Publication norms of the PJSS [updated: 24.4.2020 ]

Types of manuscripts

Original investigations. Original papers related to all areas of sport sciences.

Literature reviews. Systematic literature reviews that contribute to the dissemination of knowledge in sport sciences. Meta-analytic papers or critical literature reviews will only be open to experts invited by the RPCD.

Case studies. Highly relevant case studies that contribute to research in sport sciences. A meticulous control of the research methodology is a fundamental issue in terms of paper acceptance.

Essays. Scholarly reviews of fundamental concepts or prevalent ideas in the field of sport sciences, presenting a personal point of view critiquing widespread notions pertaining to the field of sport sciences. This type of publication will only be open to experts invited by the PJSS.

Commentaries. Commentaries about a previously published article, reports or books relevant to sport sciences.

Book reviews. Book reviews in domains pertaining to the domain of sport sciences.

Publication norms

The articles submitted to the RPCD must contain theoretical or experimental original data in the field of sports sciences. The substantial part of the article should not have been published elsewhere. If a minor part of the paper was previously published, it has to be stated explicitly in the Acknowledgments section.

The manuscripts can be written in Portuguese and in English. We suggest that translated manuscripts are reviewed by a native speaker, preferably an expert in the domain of the paper.

Manuscript preparation
The PJSS uses the American Psychological Association citation format (‘Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition). The manuscript should not contain information regarding the identity of the authors. Any information that may identify the authors should be omitted or underlined in black.

Cover page. Each manuscript must be accompanied by a cover page (available here), with the following information: types of work (see types of publication); total number of words; submission date; title of the publication (maximum 200 characters); abbreviated title (maximum of 50 characters); name(s), institution, address, telephone and e-mail of the author(s) [specifying the author to whom all correspondence should be sent].

Structure and length. Original Investigations and Case Studies should not exceed 5000 words, including abstract, body of text, tables/ figures, and references. Literature reviews may have a maximum extension of 7000 words and Comments must have between 500-1500 words and not include more than 10 references. All manuscripts must be compiled in the following order: abstract and keywords; main text; acknowledgments; references; annexes (if applicable); tables and figures (one per page). The manuscript should include the continuous numbering of pages and lines.

Abstract page. The abstract should include the most important results that support the conclusions of the paper, not exceeding 250 words, in Portuguese and in English. Three to 5 keywords should be included and no abbreviations should be used.

Main text. The manuscripts must respect the rules of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition) regarding the structure of papers. No articles will be accepted that do not comply with these standards.

Acknowledgments. The authors must mention if the paper has been partially published submitted elsewhere, as well as any financial support.

References. The references should be elaborated according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition). A compilation of the most relevant aspects can be consulted here.

Figures. Figures and illustrations should be used when they ensure a better understanding of the text. Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals as they appear in the text (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2), placed on separate sheets on the final pages of the manuscript, and only a single figure per page. TThe figures and illustration to be reproduced for print should have at least 300 dpi (dots per inch), so that they can be reproduced or reduced in their dimensions. Photos of equipment or subjects should be avoided.

Tables. Tables should be used to present the main results of the research, accompanied by a short title, and must obbey to the same rules as the figures. The information in the tables should not duplicate the text.

Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer
Together with the manuscript, authors must submit a Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer (available here).

Review process
All submitted manuscripts are primarily checked for plagiarism using Turnitin and subsequently reviewed for their suitability for publication in the PJSS. Firstly, one of the editors-in-chief evaluates the manuscripts regarding the fulfillment of publication standards, the relationship of the topic with the domain of sports sciences and the papers’ scientific merit. After this analysis, if the manuscript is accepted for review, it will be evaluated by two independent experts, in the form of a 'double blind' analysis. In case the experts propose changes, the author(s) must redo and/ or modify the manuscript, based on the recommendations and suggestions of the reviewers, within 30 days. Subsequently, they should return the manuscript for a second review so that the final opinion can be given (acceptance or rejection).

Costs of submissions and publication
The PJSS has no submission or publication fees.

Manuscript submission
The articles can be submitted by e-mail to, attaching the file containing the manuscript (.doc or .docx) and the Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer (available here).